Sunday, August 29, 2010


how many times i have to ask for people help
how many people i ask
1, 2,3,4,5,6,7....
no one willing
i will do it myself
like usual...
so shameful
of men
in the world

Sunday, July 11, 2010


today watching eclipse at klang
so regret watching it
so many kissing scene in that movie this time
and so many man watching it at 6.50 to 8.50 pm
thats mean they dont pray maghrib
i cuti,thats why we watch at time
dunia is old and destroying

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


our class is so small now
the feeling is so awkward
and all the class today are cancel
except language class
but my schedule is clash
it is so bothering
need to meet people to solve it

Thursday, July 1, 2010


back to uitm
back to fight with books
back to fight with frens
back to fight with assignment
back to fight with weather
back to fighy with lecturer
back to fight with quiz
back to fight with presentation
back to fight with everything...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

have you ever

have you ever think and feel
how far ur heart and life with God
a few days ago
ak terfikir
adakah ak makin jauh dengan Tuhan
berapa lama aku dapat bertahan atas sejadah
lepas solat????
tak lama
laju je nak blah
setuju x?
life pun dah lari jauh
what hav i done?

Sunday, June 13, 2010


tak kusangka
TUHAN masih mengabulkan doaku
untuk still get dean list
"ujian untuk setiap manusia adalah bebrbeza mengikut kemampuan dan keizinan ALLAH"

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

longggg practical

second time training
i feel bored with it
i dont know what to say
maybe my heart easy change
kat cni,memang high power distance
nasib baik tak ditegur sebab call am en jerrrr
manager je kena call tuan ,tu pun kadang2 tersasul kejap tuan, kejap encik
am tak sporting langsung
sorang asyik dengki dgn kitaorang
sorang lg plak buat macam kitaorang tak wujud jer...
yang sorang lagi ok tapi ada peel tersendirilah
nasib baik kat rumah cukup serba serbi
kalu tak,mati kebosanan ak kat cni
yang penting perangai ak memang buruklah dgn orang2 yg layan ak dgn buruk...
jgn terkejut....u dont know me...


I hate memory
I want to forget all past memory
caause it will hurt me in the future
I try to create memory
but it doesnt work and it hurt me a lot...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


"never stop
put more energy in whatever you're doing
that's what you need
you are adding value to people
with your effort
your heart and aim is important
in making success
youre on the right track

Friday, March 5, 2010

mawar berduri

jangan kau saja2
mencuri hati seorang perempuan
andai dirimu belum bersedia
menyunting bunga ditaman larangan

jangan kau saja2
menyerah hatimu kepada lelaki
andai dirimu belum bersedia
disunting orang

jangan kau sekali-kali
menumpulkan durimu yang tajam
memekarkan kelopakmu yang belum bersedia untuk mekar
memudahkan tangan2 kotor
mematahkan duri2 yang berbisa
menjatuhkan kelopa2 yang tak ternilai hargany
hanya kerana nafsu murahan

kelak mungkin
hati kau akan merosakkan akal warasmu
menjauhkan engkau dari agamamu
mengelapkan hatimu
dan mendekatkan engkau dengan neraka


3 person that
made me become happier person
laught, shame, brave,mistake, stupid thing cry etc
this sem
you all teach me about new things
you all made me become bravier
but you can't change my 'prinsip'
my memory is almost full with u all
thanks guys

Thursday, January 28, 2010


today i take another step
step to climb a mountain
can i reach top???
is it the right step?
i may lose
but maybe i can get nw
memory n experiences

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


my head keep thinking about something today
what is it?
"do you dare to take a risk"
and i dont have answer for that
do you???